Illuminated, Backlit Honey Onyx in StonePly

Illuminated honey onyx

Interior designers, business owners, and other individuals who seek out high-end stone with a distinctive appearance are likely familiar with honey onyx. It has the dramatic banding and lines found in all varieties of onyx, as well as a deep yellow hue that can envelop an entire room in a warm glow when illuminated.

With our StonePly Translucent backing, we can create illuminated stone panels using honey onyx and other light-transmitting stones that are well-suited for an array of applications.

Enjoy the Supreme Warmth and Beauty of Backlit Honey Onyx Without the Downsides

While the loveliness of illuminated natural honey onyx panels is indisputable, the natural stone does have a few downsides that limit its use. It often has weak spots and is fragile overall, stains easily because it is quite porous, and is also prone to scratching.

StonePly lightweight natural stone panels can effectively eliminate or address all of these limitations and others. Advantageous properties of our honey onyx panels include:

  • The glass or polycarbonate layer of our translucent stone panels, which can be used as a strengthening base or a protective outer layer
  • Shatter-resistant and lightweight
  • Permanently bonded to the substrate for uniform strength (no weak spots)
  • A thin stone layer that allows for better light transmission and enhanced translucency
  • Convenient channel installation provides space for your preferring backlighting

Applications for StonePly Backlit Honey Onyx Panels

Our backlit honey onyx panels are ideal for creating elegant and attention-getting:

Other Illuminated Stone Panel Options From StonePly

In addition to honey onyx, other varieties of onyx as well as marble and alabaster can serve as the basis for radiant illuminated stone panels by StonePly. We offer world’s largest selection of translucent stone, which includes the following dramatic and utterly superb choices sourced from domestic and international suppliers:

For More StonePly Information

At the StonePly website you can find out more about the varieties of marble, onyx, and alabaster we have available for our illuminated natural stone panels and read about some satisfied clients who used stone panels by StonePly to create intriguing interior and exterior designs. If you’d like to speak with a representative directly about your project, please call us at 903-454-4630 or fill out the contact form on our site. Initial consultations and custom estimates are always provided at no charge.

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